Tuesday 20 August 2013

Songs and Tears.


I just found a song that made me cry.

It's called "wake me up" By ed Sheeran.

I'm defiantly a Sheerio!

tell me songs that make you cry!

For me:
1) Little things by One Direstion, every single time, without fail.
2) Not Like The Movies, Katy Perry.
3) One Day I'll Fly Away- Moulin Rouge- Not sure why, but it does wvery single time.
4) Come What May- Kurt and Blaine version, Glee
5) Beautiful- Christina A
6) Don't Leave Me- Pink
7) To Have A Home- Starkid( Link to their play- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmwM_AKeMCk


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