Sunday 15 June 2014

Nickname?! | S

Okay, so I don't know if many of you know this, but I HATE my name with a passion. I just think it's a bit too traditional for a spunky, fun (hopefully :P) person like me!

I've been thinking about it, and why not have a nickname? I was looking through the Daily Mail, and I was thinking about my 'Name Change". I then saw a post or addition about Pippa Middleton, and I thought, "Pippa! What a wonderful name!"
While, I know this isn't my real name, I was thinking that maybe it could be my Nickname or Youtube name.
If you have any suggestions, please please please tell me them!!
We will have a blog poll :P

Also, another point. Me and my friend Laura have a Youtube channel! It's Called Laura Steph (I'm going to talk to her about changing the "Steph" part, since I despise it!) but it would be really cool and we would really appreciate it if you went and checked it out. Laura is also going to be posting on this blog. Hopefully, we will both remember to sign the posts!

Please, give the nickname thing a thought!


Our YouTube channel

Hi guys! We have got a YouTube channel called Laura Steph. We have got DIYs, Q&As, facts about me and much more, and it will mean a lot to us if you could go and check it out. I'll leave the link bellow so that it's easier for you to find it. Please like, suscribe and comment. Thanks!

Our YouTube channel